Building value through memorable brands.


Koolt Academy /How to build a memorable brand for positive impact – Masterclass

How to build a memorable brand for positive impact – Masterclass




Brand awareness builds value. A positive impact brand creates profit for a purpose. Business branding for positive impact builds customer loyalty. The marketing strategy and communication strategy need to be aligned with the social purpose for this effort to be effective.


It is not enough for a corporation to pay “lip service” to a social cause and then act in ways that are contradictory to those purposes. Consumers, especially Millennials, are looking for companies with integrity. 86% of consumers say that authenticity is vitally important for the brands that they support.



How to Build Value


In 2014, Oana Mudura founded Koolt Communications as a digital marketing firm specializing in brand building with a mission to generate positive social impact. The company works with clients and entrepreneurs by giving CIM professional marketing consultancy and managing brand-building campaigns. The Koolt mission is to build memorable brands with measurable value that create lasting positive social change. Through the educational efforts offered by the Koolt Academy, there is an exciting brand-building course, now available through Udemy. The Koolt Academy brand building online course on Udemy covers the eight C’s of the Koolt framework:


  1. Concept: Design the concept for the brand.
  2. Customer: Envision the ideal customer and design the customer journey.
  3. Creator: Define the creator of the social impact.
  4. Creation: Create a game-changing product or service.
  5. Community: Build a community around the concept.
  6. Campaign: Plan a smart marketing campaign for the customer journey.
  7. Communication: Define the communications for each phase of the customer journey.
  8. Control: Maintain control using reputation management and measure effectiveness.



Now that you understand the framework, take this Udemy Masterclass — How to Build a Memorable Brand for Positive Impact — to learn how to apply these methods for real-world benefits. The course gives a step-by-step guide using the Koolt framework to build a brand with a positive social impact.




Understanding the Basics Covered in this Course

Building a socially responsible brand is a win-win for both the company and consumers.


A premium brand is a brand that consumers identify as being socially responsible. Making a positive impact is good for a business because it allows higher pricing for the perceived brand value. This supports greater margins that produce higher profits.



How will this course help you grow your business?

A Nielsen report on the global, socially-conscious consumer found that 50% of consumers were willing to pay more for products and services from a company with programs supporting social causes. Consumers get emotionally attached to a brand that they like and believe in. When a company does good things in a socially responsible way, a consumer feels good about buying things from the company.


Circular Economy

A circular economy is built by eliminating waste and reusing or recycling materials. An example is plastic bottles being converted into plastic pellets that are used to make more bottles.



Green and Sustainable Economy

Green companies are operated with concern for environmental issues. A sustainable economy is built upon the use of renewable resources. The Nielsen report found when surveying consumers who are younger than 40 years old, two-thirds thought companies should support the environment.


According to a 2020 global study conducted by BBMG and GlobeScan, 93 percent of respondents under the age of 30 believe that the more socially and environmentally responsible companies are and become, the more motivated and loyal they will be as employees and customers.



B Corporation Business Model

The “B corporation” is a type of certification obtained from This certification is for a company that passes the rigorous rules for being socially responsible. The B corporation structure is legally bound by its charter and/or corporate resolutions to consider the impact of any business decision on employees, customers, suppliers, the community, and the global environment.

Achieving B corporation branding, like the examples of Patagonia and The Body Shop, is very powerful. Being certified is not easy to accomplish. Moreover, a certified company must continue to operate in a socially responsible way to maintain its annual certification in good standing.




Who is this course for?

This brand-building course is for entrepreneurs who want to build a socially responsible company. It is also for business owners who have a C corporation and want to qualify as a B corporation. Brand managers will find this course useful if they want to develop a social impact campaign. Anyone interested in improving the world with the new thinking needed for a sustainable and green economy will benefit from taking this course.





The takeaways from this course include a step-by-step solution to build a brand for social impact. No previous experience is required.


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